Palo Alto Tennis Club

Palo Alto Tennis Club Drop Ins and Calendar

Palo Alto Tennis Club's most popular social events are the Cubberley and Rinconada Drop-ins. The Club holds 8 drop-ins a month, saving you from organizing games and finding players. We provide balls and refreshments. It's all free for club members, $5 per drop-in otherwise.

The Rinconada drop-ins are (almost) every Sunday at the Rinconada Courts (backside of the park, Hopkins Ave at the end of Cedar St). Play starts promptly at 9:00 am and is conducted in four 45min. shifts until 12:00P. Put your name on the sign-up sheet when you arrive (ten minutes or more before play starts, please) and you'll be matched up with three other players of similar ability for mixed doubles whenever possible. Get there early so you can warm up your racquet!

Drop-ins at Cubberley courts (Middlefield/Montrose - behind buildings) are every Saturday (weather permitting) 9am-12pm on Courts 1,2 and 3 (nearest the parking lot). The format is similar to Rinconada - you join will be matched up with three other players of similar ability for mixed doubles whenever possible. Cubberly has fewer courts available, so the Saturday drop-in tends to be smaller than Sunday's.

Please be generous sharing court time with drop in participants! At the end of each shift, all players leave the courts and get assigned new opponents. If there are more players than courts (8 for Rinconada, usually 3-4 for Cubberly), some people will have to sit out one shift.

For more information about the drop-ins, email

Michel Campmas, Henry Riggs, Bruce Steinback (your drop-in director) and Peter Maresca alternately manage the drop-in table. Listen for the bell when its time to change partners.

  Calendar Location
 Saturdays, 9am-12pm Cubberley
 Sundays, 9am-12pm Rinconada
 [excludes tournament dates, see current year Event and Tourneys Calendar] 

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