Palo Alto Tennis Club

Join Us or Renew Your Membership

Palo Alto Tennis holds Saturday (Cubberley) and Sunday (Rinconada) weekly social tennis drop-ins in addition to tournaments and other events for club members. Club members have access to the Members section of this web site, which includes access to a list of club members who are interested in playing. We look forward to seeing you on the courts!   

Membership for full calendar year is $70 for an adult individual, plus $40 for family. Member's children under 18 are free.   Membership for the new year starts on December 1 of the preceding year.  

Click here for information on NTRP Ratings.

Please review the Standard Waiver Release Form.pdf

Join or renew online & pay online. That's the fastest method and your membership will be effective immediately.

If unable to pay online, please email and select "Invoice Me" payment option.

PLEASE NOTE:  If using the "Invoice Me" option, your membership will NOT be effective until the payment is fully processed (for instance, if paying by check, a typical processing time is 3-4 weeks after you mail the check). DO NOT bring payment to drop in, the directors cannot process membership payments.

Should you need additional information or assistance, please email:

JOIN by completing the online form below (after logging in).  RENEW by clicking "Edit your member profile" and changing to "2024 Individual" or "2024 Spouse/Adult Children" Note that you'll need to do this even though it says that you're already a member - it's noting that you're a 2023 member.
2024 Individual - $50.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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© 2001-2021 Palo Alto Tennis Club, all rights reserved.

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